Just wondering if anyone else has problems monking with the updated Party Roster.
Each name is smaller in height and seems compacted closer together. With my eyesight, the healthbars seem to blend together, whereas I had no issues with it before. Before the update I was an experienced Tombs B/P monk and now I have issues completing simple missions.
Just wondering if anyone else with or without similar eye problems were having the same issues as me.
I find it hard to see what spells the enemies are casting which makes it very hard to monk. It is just another thing to get used to... (why I dont know since I wouldnt say the new interface looks any better than the original)
You could always eidt your console interface. Menu>options>edit console Interface. (something to that effect) It is a simple GUI interface, drag and expand display boxes as you will.
Or you could purchase a pair of wally-eyed classes....